Introducing FindingG.L.O.W.

Feb 01, 2022

We’d like to enthusiastically introduce FindingGLOW.   

Finding Grace and Love Observing your Whole self.

Please take the time to browse through our website to learn more about who we are and what we’re about, but for our first blog, we’d like to talk a bit about our courses.

After many years in the vocation of helping people through hard times and injuries, we’ve learned that there is one thing that stands out more than anything. People want more (time, money, health, joy, happiness, better habits, etc).  Sometimes its in just one small area of their life and sometimes its on a much grander scale.  The problem is that we only know the world through our own perspective so getting through our hurdles is sometimes an unknown and unseeable path.  Our courses were written to help people create growth and change in their life.  To each of us, the changes needed may be unique and the hurdles vary.  With this in mind our classes were created to help from many perspectives to be beneficial for us all.  This even applies to those who view life as perfect and are searching finesse or self discovery from a new perspective.

 Following are some observations and comments from us about what you might expect as you walk through our courses.

Recognition, Discovery, Awareness and Goal setting.

The first phase about wanting something different for yourself is knowing what you want. You must develop a goal or a vision for yourself.  Just like any athlete starts with a goal, then develops a training plan with this goal in mind.  We want to help you discover your vision and as understanding of who you are at a core level without all your current influences.  This will open perspective for you to see the things in your life that are between your current state of being or now lifestyle and the life that you REALLY want to live!

It’s important to understand your specific obstacles.  Could they be lifestyle choices or habits, or even deep limiting belief systems?  Could they be the environment around you or even you who has shifted and your environment no longer suits you?  Are you walking through life repeating old habits and patterns that are inadvertently keeping you from lining up with your current desires?   This is the phase of recognition, discovery and awareness.

Don’t underestimate the importance of being honest with yourself.  You cannot heal what you cannot see.  You cannot move through barriers that you cannot see, whatever they may be.  Discovering what coping mechanisms or strategies you have been using to keep going or survive will be the key to creating new habits that will support the “more” that you’re looking for.

What are the things that you say in your mind (your internal voice)?  What is your self- talk like and is it supportive to you?  Will it help to reinforce your old self or the current you who is seeking change and/or growth?  Is your internal attitude and self talk reinforcing the lifestyle you WANT and is it supporting or reinforcing habits and beliefs that you want to live by?

Creating the image of your “perfect life”, the life in your dreams isn’t always about the story;  How do you want your life to FEEL?  When we can let go of the story and the specifics AND you can understand what you really desire, then decision making and habit creation become easier.  The question left to ask yourself is “ If I make this decision, is this in alignment-” or “ will it support me-” moving into the life I want and building onto the life I have??  Change doesn’t have to be hard.

We are excited to announce the first launch coming soon!   Our first 3 courses, Re-Activate, Empower,  and Open.  You may sign up to take one course at a special introductory rate of just $149.

Hope to meet you through our courses, our live FindingG.L.O.W. happy hour or one of our retreats. 

Please join us in the FindingGLOW community through our course journeys. Sign up to get some guidance and support for all that you want in this one life you are living!

With love,

Your FindingGLOW family; Char, Kim and Heidi