The Power of Self-Help: Why Taking Time for Yourself is Essential

Sep 05, 2024

The Power of Self-Help: Why Taking Time for Yourself is Essential

How often does it feel like your to do list grows faster than you can check things off?

Or how often do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed when looking for a time to….(insert anything)


In today’s fast-paced world when we’re not intentional to keep slow in our day life, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind or chaos of responsibilities, obligation. We often prioritize work, family, and social commitments above all else, forgetting the most important person in the equation: YOU. But here’s the truth—taking time for yourself is not a luxury. It’s a necessity. Just ask any athlete the importance of rest and planning to achieve their best performance.


At Finding GLOW, we believe that self-help and personal growth are not just about overcoming challenges; they’re about creating a life that feels balanced, joyful, fulfilling, and purposeful. Can you guess what the first step towards that life is? Giving yourself the time and space you need to thrive.


Why Taking Time for Yourself Matters

  1. Prevent Burnout
    When you’re constantly on the go, or pushing through stress and exhaustion in order to keep up; burnout is inevitable. Without time to recharge, our bodies and minds suffer and life then becomes even more stressful; everything feels harder and plans for efficiency go out the window. Taking intentional breaks—whether through meditation, a hobby or play, or or even time to relax without thoughts on your responsibilities—allows you to refuel and return to your day with more energy and clarity. This makes the “doing” more efficient” and you, the person more available. When you make self-care a priority, you’ll find that you have more to give in all areas of life.
  2. Rediscover Your Inner Voice
    Amid the noise of daily life, it’s easy to lose sight of who you are and what you truly want. Taking time for yourself is about reconnecting with your inner voice and listening to the whispers of your soul—the part of you that knows your deepest desires, goals, and values. Whether it’s journaling, practicing mindfulness, or just spending quiet time alone, these moments of reflection allow you to listen to yourself more deeply and make decisions aligned with your true self. This is where you reclaim empowerment in your life.
  3. Boost Mental and Emotional Health
    Mental and emotional well-being are at the core of living a fulfilling life. Carving out time for yourself helps manage stress, anxiety, and even feelings of overwhelm. Simple acts like setting boundaries, saying “no” to things/people or conversations that drain you, or engaging in activities that bring you joy can have profound effects on your mood and mental clarity. The more you care for your mental health, the more resilient and balanced you become.  Remember, you are a human having your own experience of living.  Caring for this human (you) is essential for a fulfilling living experience.
  4. Strengthen Relationships
    You might think that prioritizing yourself takes away from your ability to care for others, or takes time you don’t have.  But the opposite is true. When you’re well-rested, emotionally stable, and and feeling peace inside your own mind and body, then you show up as the best version of yourself in your relationships. And you’re better an managing boundaries and time.  You’re more patient, understanding, and able to connect with those you love on a deeper level. Taking time for yourself is an act of love for both you and the people around you.
  5. Foster Personal Growth
    Self-help isn’t only for those suffering and it isn’t just about solving problems; it’s about evolving into the best version of yourself. Personal growth requires time to explore new ideas, skills, and habits. It’s about understanding who you are and what motivates you. By dedicating time to yourself, you open the door to learning, self-discovery, and transformation. Whether it’s reading a book, attending a workshop, or taking up a new hobby, making time to play; every moment you invest in yourself brings you one step closer to the life you truly want.