Finding GLOW

Retreat 2024


Finding GLOW

Retreat 2024


"Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be."  -Wayne Dyer


In a world filled with noise, busyness, and distractions finding peace and calm is of the utmost importance. Finding GLOW offers retreats that promote understanding yourself and inner growth so that you can achieve true states of that peace and calm with abundance, joy, mindfulness, authenticity and love.     

It can be easy and fun!

Join Us for Our Next Retreat


Sept 12-16, 2024 in Midway, Utah

Our next retreat is a Tour of the Senses.  It is a light and fun way of developing a deeper understanding of yourself in all the ways!  Please come have some fun!

Join Us









If you’re an adventure seeker and love getaways…
If you want to get to better understand who you really are…
If you’re seeking change in your life and you’re ready to learn how to show up for yourself in healthier ways…
If you’re willing to dig deep into you and grow….
Then a Tour through your Senses is just for you!
This is a journey of self discovery through exploration using your senses in a unique way. This journey happens through adventure, movement, reflection, guided meditation, and downtime to connect, explore or rest. You will go through challenges that will uncover those places where you may be stuck. You will have the opportunity for growth in every experience.
Tour of the Senses is an experience to pull you out of the ways that you are used to moving and expose the ways you’re used to living your life that may not be for your best anymore. The opportunity to know the truth in that you don’t have to live those ways anymore will be noticed. This creates freedom to see your life from a new perspective which allows you to start living intentionally. That means you can act, move and behave differently when you want to. You can move into purpose, authenticity and intentionality because you have control. This is a full body experience that encourages you to see and face old patterns of being, that will allow you to step into your pull potential.
You will regain control so you never have to feel blocked or limited because you know you always have a choice. You will gain control in the complexity of your own emotions which is empowering for all roles you play in your life. You will see that you are more than whatever the circumstance around you.
As you go through every sensory experience you may confront old thoughts, feelings or patterns of living and gain awareness where you feel interest or resistance, and you will send time reflecting through your “why”.
This journey not only takes place in a beautiful location, but it will be gentle and fun. You will leave feeling ignited after 3 full days through a self discovery tour with adventure, movement, downtime, journaling, guided meditation and more. You will step outside your comfort zone and feel your strength. You always have the choice how deeply you want to engage in your own self discovery journey weather you’re a pack leader or you prefer to sit aside and observe. New experiences will be offered and you will be prepared for each day.
Your Tour through the senses is in the scenic mountains of Midway, Utah where you will have the opportunity to spend time relaxing in our on-site swimming pool or hot tub, walking the beautiful grounds, connecting around the outdoor fireplace, or simply taking the time to rest and regenerate in our beautiful home for the weekend.
Your adventures will include:
* Yoga and Movement exploration
* Special time in nature
* Hot Air Balloon Ride
* Farmers Market and Hot Spring Crater
We believe that true growth starts with you. It comes from pushing ourselves to new heights, both physically and emotionally.

After this weekend…you will leave feeling:
* confident in your own life experience to be as you are
* ready for any opportunity for something different that you feel is for your best because you’re not limited by your old ways
* movement differently in your body.
* Better understood. You will know what’s most important to you and what you’re ready to let go of. You will feel ready to create the change you desire.
* Be empowered to face your fears in a way you’ve never been able to because you know your strength.
* Feel ready to take action for the things’ you’ve been dreaming about.

Retreat Overview



Each day we will delve into an exploration of you and expand your perception of the world through your senses. You will have the opportunity to understand yourself and how you fit into your life while opening the door to any intentional shifting and expansion that you are ready for. Each day will involve adventure, movement, inspirational talks, guided meditation, and more! Your Tour through the senses is in the scenic mountains of Midway, Utah where you will have the opportunity to spend time relaxing in our on-site swimming pool or hot tub, walking the beautiful grounds, connecting around the outdoor fireplace, or simply taking the time to rest and regenerate in our beautiful home for the weekend.


Friday will be an exploration of yourself integrating your senses of CREATIVITY and MOVEMENT along with your awareness of you with your environment.

We will spend the day with creative movement and yoga flow as well as special time in nature and our in-home pool. 

Saturday is all about a new perspective of your basic and well-known senses of TOUCH, SMELL, SIGHT, and TASTE.

We will visit the farmers market in Midway for some free time to explore the town and do a little shopping as well as a dip in the Homestead crater Hot Spring. We will have a tasting exploration once we return home with a special dinner plan.  

Sunday is about expansion. This will be connecting your senses of FEAR, STRENGTH, VULNERABILITY, and CALM.

The morning will start off with a hot air balloon ride over the expansive Utah mountains followed by a delicious brunch. You will have some time to enjoy our beautiful home before coming back to the group. The evening will lend time to focus on knowing your strength through gentle yoga movement.

This weekend is built to bring you beyond your comfort zone to expand all that you are so that you may have a new perception into your life in your return home.

You will enjoy fine cuisine and make lifetime connections through the Finding GLOW community and leave feeling rested, inspired and restored. Our goal is that you return home knowing your Grace, Love and observing your whole self. During your Finding GLOW retreat, you will delve into an exploration to expand your perception of your world through your senses. Each day will involve healthy delicious meals, movement, inspirational talks, meditation, and more! Your retreat is paired time to rest and restore alongside a white water rafting and hot air balloon excursion. You will make lifetime connections through the Finding GLOW community and leave feeling rested, inspired and restored. Our goal is that you return home knowing your Grace, Love and Observing your Whole self.




Payment plans available, balance due Sept 1st.

  • 4 nights in Midway, UT
  • Healthy meals for all 4 days
  • Hot air balloon experience
  • Daily yoga & meditations
  • Getting to know yourself through your senses workshop
  • Trip to the Homestead Hot Spring crater
  • The AfterGLOW: Re-Activate Course FREE when you get home
  • Exclusive journal and yoga rug

What's not included:

Your travel expenses are not included. 

There will be one pick up at 430pm available to bring you from Salt Lake City airport to the retreat location Thursday evening.   There will be one ride available at 10am to bring you to the airport from the retreat location if you are needing Monday morning. Upon request, we are able to connect you with others to plan a ride share if you'd like in the case your flights do not work with these times.

Please note, all rooms are shared but there is plenty of space to spread out and introvert when needed.


All-Inclusive Retreat in stunning, Midway, Utah


Sept 12-16, 2024

The location includes: beautiful european estate nestled away in Midway Utah in the foot hills of the Wasatch mountains. Enjoy leisure time lying in the hammock with a favorite book, walking beautiful grounds or exploring the hiking trails, enjoy the indoor pool and hot tub. Rest with evening fun with pool table and outdoor fireplace

5 Month Payment Option

$500 monthly

Balance Due Sept 1

Last Chance to Purchase: May 1st


4 Month Payment Option

$625 monthly

Balance Due Sept 1

Last Chance to Purchase: June 1st


2 Month Payment Option

$1250 monthly

Balance Due Sept 1

Last Chance to Purchase: August 1st