What Our Customers Have to Say

As a licensed mental health counselor, I wholeheartedly endorse Finding Glow as a valuable resource for individuals seeking to reconnect with their authentic selves and cultivate a sense of love and grace in their lives. Through its guided meditations, movements, and daily affirmations, Finding Glow offers a structured and accessible approach that can facilitate the exploration of subconscious thoughts and promote self-awareness. I have witnessed the profound impact of Finding Glow in helping individuals navigate their inner worlds and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. I highly recommend Finding Glow to anyone looking to enhance their mental well-being and embrace a more mindful and fulfilling life.
-Nancy Hanson MA, LMHC

Finding Glow Retreat


I got the privilege of attending the Finding GLOW retreat all about exploring the senses. They were very intentional about the flow of the day and walked us through exploring all for our senses and helping us observe our thoughts and preconceptions of our thoughts with each experience. We did a nature walk, explored the ground barefoot, walked in silence, did blind tastings, meditations, a sound bath, yoga and a beautiful lunch. It was AMAZING! I loved that I could be quiet all day and reflective and soak it all in.

By mibbest takeaways were from the blind tasting and the sound bath. In the blind tasting, they gave us several different clean treats (cucumber, watermelon, strawberry, etc), but every time we got a new one, they added a layer to it like salt, lime vinegar, etc. As they walked us through that they explained and let us observe how adding complexity./layers causes us to feel.experience something new every time… and how that is connected to how we see the world, our relationships and ourselves. How so often we will subconsciously put filters on things that causes us to see false realities. This helped me see how I can project my ideas/insecurities/pain onto the world causing me to experience the world in a way that’s not even true.

The sound bath was big for me too because I felt so relaxed and recalibrated after words, like I was washed clean. It was absolutely wonderful!

I want a retreat like this every month or quarter!!! Finding GLOW is spectacular intentional and will impact your life.


“What a beautiful experinece with the perfect balance of rest, movement, reflection and focus. IT is evident that what you girls do comes from the heart and I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to be a part of this day. I walk away being more grounded, less stressed and more intentional of all movement- big and small. Thank you!"


“Attending the Finding GLOW retreat, A Day in the Senses was not only a memorable day with great company but also a day that sparked a welcome shift allowing for change. I felt my body open up in such a way to be receptive to new responses and perceptions allowing for the release of stored trauma. Going into this experience I wasn't’ sure where to start, what to expect or how to show up. With the guidance from FInding GLOW I was able to simply begin without expectations and come as I was. Thank you for this opportunity and the follow up to continue on this path.”


“I came with no expectations and I was more than satisfied with the structure. It went so well with rest, body awareness and movement. The women were very knowledgeable and calming spirits. I would recommend Finding GLOW to everyone! Great job!"


I can’t explain what happens when you see Char. I just know her intuition and energy are healing, incredible, and probably addicting. I am not a crier by nature. I will tell you that I sat in my car for an hour after treatment crying because I felt better after one hour than I had in years. I know some may say these treatments are subliminal or suggestive. Others might even say these alternate methods are a placebo effect. I am not concerned with what can be explained and what can’t be explained. I am just amazed at my journey. Char has single handedly changed my life, the life of my 3 kids, and my husband’s life by giving me my life back! I am even working through sexual trauma. You have ONE body. All the systems rely and talk to one another. If you only fix one spot then it is not complete. I had to change my thought process on how to heal, but whatever works, right?!

- A.F.


My sessions with Kim were the missing link to my healing.
I had done all the things (which were great and necessary don’t stop doing those things!) but I continued to feel stuck and that there was something in my way. Something I needed to work on along side the other healing modalities.
Hidden trauma within my body was preventing my break through. I had never experienced the overwhelming physical power of prayer until I met with Kim. Not only did we have success in unlocking energy, she also sparked a light within me that directed me into a deeper relationship with the Lord.

I recommend Kim so highly I tell as many people about her as I can. Even to the point of ease dropping on conversations at the park. She has a connection and gift that is not only helpful in your healing journey but also an inspiring woman to just have in your corner.

- D.W.

Kim and the work she does, is out of this world. She is the most intuitive, insightful and gifted body worker and healer I’ve ever encountered. She is skilled in so many techniques and modalities she can truly help anybody of any age. Her knowledge is endless and experience vast. If you are willing to grow, change and lean in; her work has the potential to completely change your life and help you achieve the life you’ve always wanted.

- H.H.

I found Kim via a trusted referral as I was looking to try craniosacral therapy. I lucked out because she does so much more than that. Her energy-healing is powerful. In the time we’ve worked together, Kim has helped me process and release old traumas holding me back physically and energetically. Kim has a lovely and gentle energy about her, and thoughtfully listens to my concerns or the areas on which I want to focus. I never feel rushed, and I always walk out the door feeling much lighter. I highly recommend working with her if you are looking to take your healing and growth to the next level.

- L.B.

Kim has been instrumental in helping me heal the physical effects of trauma in my body. I’m obsessed with my own personal development and I’ve never met anyone who heals people like she does. It’s a combination of energy work, chakra balancing, and assisting my body in releasing trauma and it has changed my life. Thank you for sharing your beautiful gifts with me, Kim!

- C.T.


I highly recommend Heidi as an exceptional practitioner. Her unique talent lies in her remarkable ability to establish genuine connections with every individual she encounters. What truly distinguishes her is her innate skill in intuitively understanding and responding to the atmosphere and dynamics of any situation, seamlessly guiding conversations or exercises to a point where everyone feels fully engaged. When working with individuals, Heidi demonstrates thoroughness and precision as she expertly leads her clients towards their desired goals or outcomes. In group settings, she effortlessly commands attention, not through authority, but by creating an atmosphere where each participant is drawn into the present moment.

- Lowell Hochhalter, The Lifeguard Group

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THE LIFEGUARD GROUP is a non-profit, mission-focused organization that will strive to aggressively RESPOND to those hurting, lost, broken, and exploited. RESCUE those buried in life's injustices, longing for support. RESTORE them to a place of wholeness and REVIVE hope in our world by encouraging and educating others to find their place in the fight.

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